You see, I live in a co-ed dorm and on our floor, there is a suite inhabited by these two lesbian couples. That is this couple on one hand, and the other couple, four girls living in the suite. Everyone knows them, they're lesbian. Im cool with them. Sometimes, I even hang out with them. But only when its very necessary, like when they're drinkin n want company (and i never ever go alone). lol, nothing against them but no use for a nigga to feel outnumbered by some fuckin amazons.
Anyway, these girls chill in the suite. And heres where the shit started not to make sense. When one girl say from one couple comes out from the shower or from bed, maybe wearing a towel or nightie or somn...both the girls from the other couple would kinda like stare at her, u kno, like regular, check out those legs kind of shit. Then one of them would get mad at the other, cos they were looking at the girl so the conversation kinda goes like: "what r u staring at her for?" then d other would be like "cos U was lookn at her" and the other would go "no, i saw u lookn at her first" and the accusation would go back and forth. Excuse me, both of yall were looking at her. know why? cos ur fucking lesbians, and ur both attracted to women. And this happens for the both couples, like this couple will look at the girls from the other couple and vice versa. And they all like, got mad.
Im like dude! yall have sexual desire for women anyway, so u cant get mad at ur woman for looking at another half naked woman, especially when ur looking at the same damn woman in the first fuckin place. Yur all lookin at each other. ur all attracted to each other. and ur all living in the same house. So think about it...why dont u all just decide to be four single ladies living in the house. Yu kno, just have fun with whoever is available at the moment or who knows, have a freaking foursome. Bcos, rationally, yall relationships is really, at the core of it, based on sexual preference. Like, sexual, SEX, the person you'd rather have sex with. I mean, emotions are involved in the long run, but ive never heard of any one who went lesbian cos she was emotionally attracted to girls while sexually attracted to men.. Its always physical.Sexual. And even in hetero relationships, when an affair is based on sex alone, its not usually taken very seriously. So in lez affairs, no one takes yall relationship serious anyway. monogamy all boils down to a choice. why wont they just have a candid conversation, and free the air so they can all be free to mingle. It all makes much more sense...walahi. At least, no one will invite me to tell me their problems anymore and man pikin can focus on his own personal issues.
On aside: I just wrote this cos i tot it was really a funny scenario and i can talk about it here without being scared of hurtin no ones ego or emotions. If it doesnt fly with u..just wait for the next story. Peace
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