Oct 31, 2010

When Kanye West Was A Gospel Rapper

I dont even need to ask people what they've heard about Kanye West being a Mason and Luciferan and all that. Thats not my argument. I do sincerely in all honesty bliv that he has issues though, since I definitely evaluate a man by his words and actions. So what do I say to a man who sings lyrics like these "I love the devil 3X"  and "we love Jesus but we done learned a lot from Satan. and then goes on to say "Satan, satan, satan". I say the man definitely is clear in his beliefs and he should be proud of it. (In case u wanna check out the lyrics, its in his "The Devil In New Colours" track featuring the model Selita as d phoenix.)
What I discovered today though, is that Kanye West actually had an early start with one christian track, "Jesus Walks." The song blew up pretty hard and helped launch him. Here are some lyrics "God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down/ Jesus Walks with me."  "I ain't here to argue about his facial features, But here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way I need Jesus".

Apparently, (just my hypothesis) a few things happened. 1. He realised quickly that Jesus doesnt bring in the money or sign the record deal. 2. He got tired of waiting on Jesus and found out that Satan answers faster, and gives u quicker fixes. 3. If u rap about Jesus, people watch for u to fuck up, if u rap about Satan, people EXPECT you to fuck up, and let you get away with it. thats what sinners do already, no? 4. He became a Mason and converted to Luciferanism. 

Or maybe he is just a smart, though arrogant guy figuring out a way to live his life. Either way, he is so far gone from the man that rapped about "if I talked about my God so i wont get played?"
I dont blame him though, cos even as a Christian, I have thought so many questionable thoughts that Im wondering if Im not Illuminati myself. And anyone that has been to Truth Don Die will certainly declare all of us ILLUMINATI.  All Im saying is, a person's beliefs and convinctions change, and so long as he raps EXACTLY what he feels, and is making a success out of it, then dont sweat it. Get off his wrinkly unshaved dick. #OkBye


  1. i went and looked and did not see any genitalia image and now i'm upset!!

    anyways, idk maybe the jesus song was just to get fans but it's possible he found out the devil pays more and quickly. or maybe the satan song is publicity who knows

  2. exactly, who knows? Kanye just keeps people guessing, and I think thats what he likes.
    ant d dick, lol i'll resend u the link on twirra, unless they've pulled it.
