Sep 14, 2010

All these Damned Rights...

   that people are bringing up from left, right, and center. Where did they all come from? The time has long gone when proponents of individual rights claim the freedom to do what they want while being guaranteed protection under the law. Today, people are coming up with new rights that they all claim are backed by the American constitution. It is no longer enough for the law to grant them legal protection or the right to legal tolerance of their beleifs, in the sense that they will not be committing any crimes with their beliefs. 
Today, people have also gotten this weird idea that the constitution also guarantees them what I call "positive tolerance" or the idea that we should joyfully agree with people we disagree with. No one wants to hear a dissenting opinion. Give one, and the all too they wont just call you a 'hater' but will accuse you of obstructing their rights. Hello?..the constitution ma guarantee you the right to spew your opinion but it says nothing abt anyone giving it respect.
   Another new right these people have gotten into their head is that there should be such a thing as politically correct tolerance. No one calls anyone retarded anymore. Its wrong to say black, or nigger, or African-American depending on context, time period, or who is saying it and where. The recent fiasco about a mosque in ground zero, or the koran burning are a recent example. Earlier I thought that ethically, the proponents of mosque building on that spot should reconsider. But if they do that now, they would be feeding the idea that Islam is under attack in America, and this goes against the fundamentals of American liberty. So as of right now, Im in support of them building whatever they want to build there. If u dont like the idea, go opposite them and build a strip club. hey...its a free world. 
In the same way, everyone has been on the case of the pastor that wants to burn a koran in florida. Like, as far as am concerned, he should be left alone to do what he wants with the book he probably bought with his money..ah!
All these damn rights , and no backing for them. The fact that a book is holy to you doesnt buy it the reverence of others. If it does, its just an added bonus. Its not a requirement. 

OAN: God has been good to me in the past few days. He really has been. And so Im putting it here, if you think God doesnt're on a terribly long thing.! 

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