Im really in a philosophical mode, if I must admit it myself. But we all know that phase, that comes and goes, when you suddenly begin to question every angle of reality, to seek out the deepest meaning in life.
I came to a realization about the nature of beings, and the physical world sometime today. It began when I began to think of elements, and how we all got here. And from the nature of things, I realised that all matter is made up of the same components, protons, neutrons and electons. The different combinations, and processes give rise to different elements. But its all the same. Us, animals, plants, earth, all of us, are neutrons, protons and electrons, combined in different ways, and giving rise to different emergent properties. (I learnt this in biology class).
But philosophy takes normal knowledge, and expands it. If we are all made of electrons, protons, and neutrons, then it is accepted that we are all made of the same stuff as all matter. And where did all this matter come from. Aside the question of God and creation, as opposed to evolution, the more immediate source of all the protons and neutrons and electrons we observe today are from the primordial stars that birthed this universe. We all spewed from stars, and started our journey as mindless atoms, all be it programmed from the start to combine in certain ways to derive different things. If this is the case, we are all connected. We are all the same thing. We are everything, and everything is us. And we all came from the stars. And need the sun's continous energy supply to keep us moving. So we all are star stuff. Electrical particles, held together by energy. Star stuff, harvesting star light continually. And religion was born when we looked back into the night sky. And as the local eyes and ears and mind of the cosmos on earth, we began to feel within ourselves the pull of our origins. We began to wonder where we came from. How we came this far. And who put us here. We felt inside us that we were part of a greater whole, a more complex organism, the image of the cosmic God, in whom all things live, and move and have their being. And so it became that the heavens have become the most venerated place in human consciousness. Thats where we call home. And it is true. We are all star stuff, contemplating the stars, billions of organised atoms tracing the long path by which we arrived at consciousness on earth. So we worship the heavens, and gaze at the stars.
(In case you dont realise it, this does not negate belief in God). God is the eternal ONE. the spring of all things, the unrelenting source of energy and power on which all things depend. He said, the heavens declare my glory, and the expanse of the skies speak of me. Turns out it was truer than we realised. The next time you look up into the heavens, appreciate the universe that you are part of. You do not live in it. You are it. You are everything, and everything is you.
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