Aug 11, 2010

My Past Three Days-and a hilariously Awkward Moment

Ive been working feverishly to complete a project that is due on August 13th. I can finally see the end in sight, two days before the deadline.
During these three days, I have disobeyed all the laws and norms of human nutrition and existence. My 'breakfast' time has officially become 5pm and beyond, and this is while Im up before 8am. I only leave the computer to go eat after the pangs of hunger have started getting in the way of concentration.
The things I eat nko?? terrible. carrot and apple juice. Half-done chicken fried in a hurry and eaten semi-raw, honest to God. Ive forgotten what other astrocities I may have ingested.
Then my worst offense: sleep , or the deliberate lack of it. On the average for these 3 days, I wake up at 7:30 am. This is a holiday oh, and am alone in an apartment in Manhattan. sleeping in should be the thing, and until sunday, it was. but now, once i wake up, i rush to the computer, open over a dozen tabs for research purposes, open word, excel and powerpoint and begin to hammer away. I will remain there, pausing only for aforementioned breakfast, to stretch my legs or the irresistible call of nature, until around 4a.m the next morning. Except tuesday evening when my body could take it no more and i fell asleep on the couch around 7pm. you would think i would zonk out till the next morning, but urs truly bounced up around 10:30 pm and went right back to the computer. I was there till 3am when hunger packing a heavy punch descended on my belly. I was in a state, i tried to sleep but could not. there was nothing else in my fridge that was edible except some chicken. That was what led to the half done fried chicken fiasco. And while I was frying it, I managed to set off the smoke alarm. I was fanning the alarm, trying to make it shut up cos the damn thing was loud!! Suddenly, our doorman, apparently using a spare key, burst into my apartment after only one knock! Mind u, urs truly had been balls naked almost all day cos after I showered I went right back to typing, my forgotten towel lying on the sofa right next to the computer. So now, am naked, standing on a stool, fanning a smoke alarm overhead and this over-zealous doorman barges in. Talk about awkward!! I cursed as i scrambled down and ran over to my towel, telling him as i ran that it was just smoke from my cooking, and he neednt worry. He waited until I came back, a lil more well-clad, to explain some things to me. Looking at his face, you could just see #thingsblackpeopledo written all over it like a twitter trending topic. (I and my brother are the only black people in the building, and sometimes i think these white people watch us like biology practical specimen, waiting for us to confirm one stereotype or another). Either way, at that moment, I was so embarrassed, I dint care. I just thanked him, and assured him he could leave now, no need to call the fire department, goodbye, wham, door slammed and locked!! Phew!
Aside that incident, I ve been a lil reclusive since sunday. Ive passed up an invitation to a beach, Ive been postponing a visit to my uncle, Ive not done laundry, or watched TV, or played my 'just-repaired' xbox360. My only connections to the world has been my phone and internet. But all im saying is that the end is in sight now. I dint know I had it in me to be workaholic, but thank God the time for that has drawn to a close. I can go back to procrastinating, and jiving, and having fun. See yall...Im finishing the last lap!

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