Aug 6, 2010

Tafa Balogun ( T. B.) jOSHUA

Lol, this post is really not about the ex IGP Tafa the Hog. Its abt T. B. Josh...the miracle worker. I remember when it was going round about his fracas with chris oyakhilome...over some juju thing. i never knew who he was then. I cant really say I do now, except that the more notorious a person is, the more familiar he becomes to all and evry!
Anyway, so what brot him up now? Urs truly just watched a video of his service online...and i think to say i was creeped out would be an understatement. There is totally nothing christian about the way he conducts his services, or performs his miracles. This one na jujuuuu! i fit swear for am...this is neat abracadabra.
First, the man claims his power comes from christ. so he makes people expose whatever body part they have illness in when he heals them. i mean, a sister bared her left breast, a young man actually bared HIS ASS! he had rectal cancer people, and tutu boyoyo joshua made them shoot 'before' and 'after' pictures of a grown man's wrinkly ass. lwkmd...and he had the man undress right at the podium in front of evryone. na so jesus teach...? epic fail!!
also, he does this thing where he 'remote controls' people, like wherever he moves his hand, the person hypnotically moves with him. chai chineke lord of ur children. and human beings who claim to be xtians actually rever him as a man of God. God ataala ahuhu...God has suffered.
i culd go on and on abt the stuff he does. like he put water in a big tank and claimed he magically transformed it to the 'blood of jesus' so ppl shuld go bathe, drink and apply the water to their bodies. wtf! and he says he was born with the gift of healing from birth. excuse me...the gifts of the holy spirit dont come from birth! they come when ur born least thats what evryone says from my old presby pastor right down to jesu christi himself. but no, no, tafa knows best. crap!
what baffles me is not that the man makes all these claims, but that the fakeness is so obvious that im surprised people even believe him. but i guess we humans, always looking for a short cut or quick solutions, will go any length to protect a lie if it makes us feel good about life. #wondersshallneverend #comeandseeamericawonder #imouttahere peace!


  1. Our Lord works in mysterious ways lol.

  2. TB offered his 'gift of prophecy' during the world cup in 2009, also claiming he helped Ghana win. Even Ghana's president Atta Mills claims to listen to TB. Luckily, TB publishes his prophecies on his website for us to evaluate. Perhaps the incredibly vagueness of them is the sign that he is for real? Certainly, magicians can predict with greater accuracy by trickery alone.
