How are yall people?
Today Im sharing a story. A simple one. Ur an anthropologist, and one day, u happen upon a spider, chilling on its web. Think about that spider, its web attached to a corner of a tree. Its universe begins and end, on that web. Her senses do not extend beyond the lines and spokes of the great wheel she inhabits. Her claws could feel every vibration throughout that delicate structure. She knows the tug of wind, the fall of rain, the flutter of a trapped moth's wings. She knows what threads to follow when her web lands a prey. Now, you take a pencil, and gently touch a strand of web. Immediately there is a response. The web, plucked by a menacing intruder, begins to vibrate rapidly until it is a blur. Anything that brushes wing or claw against that amazing snare would be trapped. As the vibrations slow, u can see the spider fingering her guidelines for signs of struggle. The pencil point was an intrusion into its universe for which no precedent existed. It could not be explained. It could not analyse it. The spider was circumscribed by spider ideas, its universe was spider universe. nothing in its make up, its build, its abilities equipped it for sensing stimuli that extend beyond the boundary of its little cosmos. All outside forces were irrational, extraneous, disobeying every law of spider universe. Do you know what that means? It means in the spider's universe, you dont exist.
This story is dedicated to all who at one time or another, have asked me why God wont show himself if He exists. It is an attempt (key word ATTEMPT) to explain to u how it is possible for God to exist and yet u wont know him. When the Bible says "the mind of flesh cannot see God" it may well be as much a scientific fact as it is a religious statement. The above is a theory. Ur free to poke holes in it as u see fit, u have my permission. (like u guys werent going to do that anyway.) Peace out
This story is dedicated to all who at one time or another, have asked me why God wont show himself if He exists. It is an attempt (key word ATTEMPT) to explain to u how it is possible for God to exist and yet u wont know him. When the Bible says "the mind of flesh cannot see God" it may well be as much a scientific fact as it is a religious statement. The above is a theory. Ur free to poke holes in it as u see fit, u have my permission. (like u guys werent going to do that anyway.) Peace out
I already shared my thots on this post in Azazel's blog. But the difference is God is an abstract idea while the man's hand is a concrete item. Those cannot be compared.